A beautiful posture is everyone’s dream, because a proudly straight back is a trait of kings, hence the expression “royal posture”. The correct position of the back has an impact on the gait, it looks more confident.

But these are only minor pluses, because the spine is the foundation of the entire body. If it is straight and every part is correctly positioned, it contributes to maintaining the health of many internal organs, improving the color of the skin, because everything in the body is interconnected.

To keep the back in good condition it is necessary to take care of its plasticity, mobility. It is very difficult for people of our time to do this, because most of the time we are simply immobilized: we get to work in the car, sit in office chairs for hours and go home in the same way, sitting down. That’s the daily rhythm.

Yoga for strengthening the back

Oriental medicine has long been widely practiced yoga for good posture. Each asana involves a set of movements designed to relieve muscle spasms, strengthening the muscles in the correct position.

Even if visually the spine is straight, most people find that certain movements cause tension and vertebrae crunch, which means that something is hindering their movement. It could be some kind of deposits in the form of salts, or cartilage displacement. Yoga can help eliminate these negative phenomena.

It should be noted that yoga classes are useful not only as preventive measures to prevent back curvature, but they also help to align the spine even in the presence of certain problems.

Asanas to strengthen good posture

There are many different asanas, each with specific effects on specific organs. Here are the top 5 yoga postures for alignment and strengthening the spine.

Cat pose. Marjariasana.

Cat pose. Marjariasana.

Asana makes the neck, shoulders and back incredibly flexible, agile. After a few sessions, the upper body will become softer and feel better. Because of improved blood circulation in the neck, the color of the skin will improve.

Stand on all fours, resting on fully straight arms, back straight, no flexion. Put your palms under your shoulders. As you breathe in, arch your back down and tilt your head back. As you exhale arch your back up (cat pose) and tilt your head to your chest. Keep your arms and legs immobile while doing this. Only the full length of the back is active. This is a basic and basic exercise for any level of training.

Dolphin Pose. Ardha Shirshasana.

Dolphin Pose. Ardha Shirshasana.

Asana actively develops not only the entire spine, but also the lower back and pelvis.

You must stand on all fours, resting on your knees and elbows, wrists pressed to the floor, parallel to each other. From this position, lift your pelvis upward, straightening your legs to their full length. Standing in the position of an inverted tick, make 5 breathing cycles (inhale and exhale). In addition to warming up the back, this pose helps to stretch the hamstrings, making the body more flexible.

Camel pose. Ushtrasana.

Camel pose. Ushtrasana.

Asana improves back flexibility, as well as training the oblique abdominal muscles, abs, pecs, and buttocks.

Kneel with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then spread your arms out to the sides and through this position put them on your heels. It is on them that the entire body weight should be shifted. Your neck is also thrown back, but not too deeply, it should be an extension of the spine, so it should be kept at an appropriate level. In this position stretch your chest upwards, as much as possible. Then return to the starting position. Asana puts a big load on all muscle groups.

Bridge pose. Setu bandhasana.

Bridge pose. Setu bandhasana.

The pose makes the lower parts of the spine more flexible.

Lie on your back with your hands resting loosely on the floor and your legs joined together and stretched out as far as possible. The heels become two fulcrums, and the body should be slowly lifted on them, arching the back. Then hands are bent at the elbows and placed on the stomach: thumb on the lower back, palms on the stomach. The shoulder blades, shoulders, and back of the head are many points of support. The more amplitudinous the upward bend becomes, the fewer support points are used. In the end, only the heels and the back of the head are left.

Chair pose. Utkatasana.

Chair pose. Utkatasana.

This is a morning asana that quickly awakens all organs and strengthens different muscle groups at the same time. Eastern medicine claims that this pose is better than any aerobic warm-up pose.

Stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart. As you breathe in, raise your arms up with an extension, and lower your body as if you were sitting on a chair. Almost 90 degrees. Next, retract your abdomen. Stay in this position for 30-40 seconds. Next, straighten your torso.

Daily practice of yoga will help to strengthen the body and make yourself a proud and beautiful posture. You should use the secrets of Oriental medicine to get health and beauty!

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